The TLA Web Page

My Collected Works

I have retired from Microsoft

Microsoft has graciously agreed to maintain my website.  However, my Microsoft email address no longer works.  If I know you, I may have forgotten to tell you my new email address.  If you believe this to be the case, or if you think you have something to tell me that I want to hear, you can send me email at the address obtained by reversing the order of the characters in the ten-letter string   ll.sulpalt   and appending   @gmail.com   to it.  I will periodically look at email sent to that address.  I will not respond to email asking questions about what I have written, requesting advice of any kind, or describing your work.  TLA+ now belongs to the TLA+ Foundation.

If I have something new to say, I may give a few talks after I retire.  I may also be willing to present an occasional question and answer session.

Help me debug my Web site

I have a problem that seems to exist only on the computer I started using when I retired.  I will fix it only if it occurs for someone else. To see if it occurs for you, please click on this link to get to another copy of the web page you are now reading.  You will have the problem only if that copy looks different from this copy.  Please let me know only if it does look different.